The other side

I was begging.
Down on my knees on the floor.
Begging, asking you to look at me once more.
Just tell me. It wasn’t all my fault.
Just tell me. You don’t blame me for it all.

But you couldn’t see me.
You couldn’t hear my voice as I pleaded.
All you knew.
You got all you needed.

It was fun while it was fun.
And life wasn’t that anymore.
It was real.
And you had gotten bored.

I could see you, laughing your life away.
While I lay curled up, telling myself you cared.
Bleeding, bruised walking on shards.
Shards of your words that hurt me so hard.

You were so good with your words, taking and faking.
Living for yourself with your cold heart and well.
Left me sore, aching and shaking.
Watching me bleed while I am begging you to come help.

You call me now. You want us to be friends.
You are broken inside. Just like me. Just like you left me in pieces.
I should walk away. Just like you did. But, I want to hold your hands.
Hold you tight. Hold you close and tell you it’s all going to be ok.

I could give you all the love. Love that is always yours.
Sooth your pain and help you, fix you up.
While you again rip my soul, into shreds for sure,
Because you know how to take, but not give love.

I know it’s not your fault,
You are made that way,
Can see what you want.
Caught up in your selfish little ways.

I cannot forgive or forget,
But I can be thankful.
Thank you for showing me what I didn’t want to see.
For making me what I needed to be.
Because the world is made up of people like you.
And nothing like me.

I was a naive little happy fool,
But thanks to you, for just a little while.
Unfortunately I still love you and always would.
But I know what you are and not love blind.

I watch you watching someone else,
I know how you look when you are losing your heart.
This makes me sad and tense,
The world might see you, for what you are.

You can’t take back what you say.
And, I am not one to forget.
You change your mind anyway.
This “You-Me Us” has left a bitter aftertaste.

I am sorry, but I will be here.
Where my people love me.
I hope you understand, you see
It’s not about you, it’s just me.

I will always be here.
Praying, loving and hoping you are always smiling.
Walk to me when you need.
I will always be here.

But, don’t come to me and I won’t ask for your shoulder,
When we are done and we don’t have to hide.
This tiring but beautiful life is over.
And you and I are on the other side.

Addled fiery musings: The other side

Tuesday 24 November 2015

The other side

I was begging.
Down on my knees on the floor.
Begging, asking you to look at me once more.
Just tell me. It wasn’t all my fault.
Just tell me. You don’t blame me for it all.

But you couldn’t see me.
You couldn’t hear my voice as I pleaded.
All you knew.
You got all you needed.

It was fun while it was fun.
And life wasn’t that anymore.
It was real.
And you had gotten bored.

I could see you, laughing your life away.
While I lay curled up, telling myself you cared.
Bleeding, bruised walking on shards.
Shards of your words that hurt me so hard.

You were so good with your words, taking and faking.
Living for yourself with your cold heart and well.
Left me sore, aching and shaking.
Watching me bleed while I am begging you to come help.

You call me now. You want us to be friends.
You are broken inside. Just like me. Just like you left me in pieces.
I should walk away. Just like you did. But, I want to hold your hands.
Hold you tight. Hold you close and tell you it’s all going to be ok.

I could give you all the love. Love that is always yours.
Sooth your pain and help you, fix you up.
While you again rip my soul, into shreds for sure,
Because you know how to take, but not give love.

I know it’s not your fault,
You are made that way,
Can see what you want.
Caught up in your selfish little ways.

I cannot forgive or forget,
But I can be thankful.
Thank you for showing me what I didn’t want to see.
For making me what I needed to be.
Because the world is made up of people like you.
And nothing like me.

I was a naive little happy fool,
But thanks to you, for just a little while.
Unfortunately I still love you and always would.
But I know what you are and not love blind.

I watch you watching someone else,
I know how you look when you are losing your heart.
This makes me sad and tense,
The world might see you, for what you are.

You can’t take back what you say.
And, I am not one to forget.
You change your mind anyway.
This “You-Me Us” has left a bitter aftertaste.

I am sorry, but I will be here.
Where my people love me.
I hope you understand, you see
It’s not about you, it’s just me.

I will always be here.
Praying, loving and hoping you are always smiling.
Walk to me when you need.
I will always be here.

But, don’t come to me and I won’t ask for your shoulder,
When we are done and we don’t have to hide.
This tiring but beautiful life is over.
And you and I are on the other side.


At 26 November 2015 at 21:02 , Blogger chandu said...

What happened deepi...n who is this person??

At 27 November 2015 at 18:36 , Blogger Unknown said...

I don't know!! :D Nothing happened to me. This is just a poem. :)

At 4 December 2015 at 00:31 , Blogger Unknown said...

CREATION before us now in witness""I swear to you sounds like the he and the I that have been living through these very same actions and words""whom we are at present is still just between the he and I""though my story is ever so available to any whom research such things that most would say lie""

At 4 December 2015 at 00:31 , Blogger Unknown said...

CREATION before us now in witness""I swear to you sounds like the he and the I that have been living through these very same actions and words""whom we are at present is still just between the he and I""though my story is ever so available to any whom research such things that most would say lie""

At 4 December 2015 at 01:45 , Blogger Unknown said...

Gail. I hope things better for you soon. With all the love and support.


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