Addled fiery musings

Addled fiery musings: January 2015

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Time to walk away

Have you ever had that someone, you care for and respect but somehow, all that he/she can give you is tears and pain? It can be your partner, spouse, family member, friend or even a colleague. Let's call this person "YN". I will tell you what YN stands for a little later. And, let's refer to him/her as "it".

I know!! I am sorry! Its very mean. But, its simpler than typing him/her each time and also, if you know what I am talking about, you would also refer to it as "It"

So, YN is a fairly important person in your life. You love it, respect it, value it's opinions and believe it has your best interests at heart. May be it does. But, all it can do is put you down. Tell you what you aren't good at. Ridicule you. Criticize everything you do. Kill your confidence.  Or even worse, tell you that your confidence is a big lie. You don't deserve it. You suck.

Sounds like a douchebag, doesn't it? But, here is the problem. You can't hate it. May be it throws you into a rage, breaks your heart, messes you up. Only for a short while. When the pain lessens a bit, you try and rationalize YN's actions. Try and cook up stories in your head, trying to make yourself believe that it is YOU who has misunderstood or maybe even overreacted. So, you blame yourself and decide to be better the next time.

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